Category: Holiday Celebrations

  • Providing a Place of Return

    Providing a Place of Return

    Welcome and thank you for joining us and Temple Shalom for our high holiday observance. As we have prepared for these services and the new year, we’ve been thinking a lot about what Sammi Stinson wrote in her beautiful high holiday drash. During this time of year, we often focus on“t’shuvah, t’fillah, and tzedakah, which…

  • I’d Like to Return Myself, Please

    I’d Like to Return Myself, Please

    by Cantorial Soloist Dr. Sammi Stinson We are officially in the month of Elul, which means the greeting “L’shanah Tovah” (a good year) is appropriate. I looked it up before writing it. Practicing a religion with a 6,000 year history and several iterations of foreign languages means we spend a fair amount of time fretting…

  • High Holiday Schedule 2022-5783

    High Holiday Schedule 2022-5783

    Temple Shalom High Holiday services for the year 2022/5783 will be multi-access and led by cantorial soloist Dr. Sammi Stinson with support from Jonathan Stinson and other members of the Temple Shalom community. The Temple Shalom COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan requires a signed statement indicating full vaccination (plus boosters) for everyone 5 and older…