The History of the Jewish Community and Temple Shalom in Fayetteville
For many years, the small Jewish community in Northwest Arkansas, including University of Arkansas students, faculty and others, met in a variety of Fayetteville locations. Community members organized religious school, services, holiday celebrations, potlucks, visiting rabbis and speakers. Eventually, the Sam Barg Hillel House was purchased by the University of Arkansas Jewish student organization, Hillel. In early 1981, members of the growing community met to discuss organizing a formal congregation. On February 23, 1981, Temple Shalom was established, with Jay Lewis elected to be the first president. Rabbi Norbert Rosenthal, emeritus rabbi of Tulsa’s Temple Israel, was hired to lead monthly and High Holiday services, which were held at the Unitarian Fellowship. Hillel House was used for religious school, Temple events and student activities. Visiting rabbis were hired on a yearly basis until 2006 when Jacob Adler, a University philosophy professor, was ordained and became the first resident rabbi. Rabbi Adler was the congregational rabbi for 14 years. In 2020 Rabbi Adler became Rabbi Emeritus, but remains part of the Temple Shalom community.

When the congregation outgrew Hillel House, a former fraternity house across the street was rented from the University in 1999. It was adequate for Hillel and Temple activities, including religious school, although monthly and High Holiday services were still held at the Unitarian Fellowship. By 2005, the congregation had grown to about 60 families; many began to think seriously about owning a building. Hillel sold the house it owned and donated the proceeds to the project.

In 2007, Temple Shalom purchased land at the corner of Sang Avenue and Cleveland Street on which to build a combined Temple Shalom and University of Arkansas Hillel home. An initial financial contribution from Miriam Ella Alford made the Temple building possible, as well as the contribution of Fadil Bayyari, a Palestinian Muslim, whose construction company provided services at cost. The synagogue was completed in the fall of 2009, and our congregation has now celebrated our 10th Anniversary.
Click here to read our story in the New York Times!

Mission Statement
To promote spiritual nourishment, enrich Jewish identity, strengthen our Jewish community, and to welcome diverse practices of Judaism.
Land Acknowledgment
Temple Shalom honors the sacred worship of the Jewish people, and also acknowledges the sacred land we pray on. Northwest Arkansas was the home of Osage, Quapaw, Oceti Sakowin (Sioux) and Caddo nations, according to the widely used Native Land Digital. They inhabited and cared for the land until settlers drove them out through forced removal. Members of these communities continue to live in Northwest Arkansas today, and Temple Shalom strives to acknowledge and honor the history of this land and its indigenous people, and to uplift the marginalized voices of our diverse community in the spirit of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).