Explanation of the Shabbat Evening Service (PDF of the following)
Rabbi Jacob Adler
Temple Shalom of Northwest Arkansas
March 2018
In 1926, the author John Masefield published a book with the odd title of ODTAA. He later explained that it stood for “One [Darn] Thing after Another.” Many people experience prayer services as just a random sequence of prayers — ODTAA. But the services do in fact have a structure and flow. If we can understand and experience the flow, our prayer experience is immeasurably enhanced. Here is a conversational version of the Friday evening prayers. I hope that this may enhance people’s experience of prayer.
Traditional services have more Kaddishes than indicated here, as do many Reform services (though fewer than in traditional services). The idea of Kaddish is, “We’ve completed one part of the prayers; now, on to the next.”
First part of Kabbalat Shabbat, pp. 128-137
The week is ending; Shabbat is coming
L’cha Dodi, pp. 138-39, and prayers on 140-145
Here Comes the Shabbat Queen!
Last verse of L’cha Dodi and following prayers, pp. 139-145.
She’s here!
Bar’chu, p. 146
It’s time to pray.
Ma’ariv Aravim, pp. 148-149
It’s getting dark.
Ahavat Olam, pp. 150-151
God loves us.
Sh’ma, pp. 152-153
God is our One and Only
V’Ahavta, p. 154
We love God
Mi Chamocha, p. 158
God rescues us when we’re in trouble
Hashkivenu, pp. 160-161
God takes care of us while we sleep.
V’shamru, p. 162
We stand up for Shabbat. [1]
[1] In traditional prayer practice, V’Shamru is recited standing. In a Jewish court, witnesses must stand when they give testimony. V’Shamru is our testimony to the truth of Shabbat.
T’filah, p. 164-178
We each talk directly to God.
T’filah: Avot, p. 166
We are connected to God through our ancestors and teachers. [2]
T’filah: Gevurot, p. 168
We are connected to God through our life [3]
T’filah: Kedushah, p. 170
God is the model of holiness that we want to embody.
T’filah: Kedushat ha-Yom, p. 172
We thank God for the holiness of Shabbat
T’filah: R’tzeh, p. 174
God, please accept our prayers!
T’filah: Modim, p. 176
God, we thank You for all Your gifts to us.
T’filah: Shalom rav, p. 178
God, help us to bring peace in the world.
Mi she-Berach, p. 371
God, bring healing to those who need it.
Aleinu, pp. 586–591
Thank you, God, for letting us know You.
Mourner’s Kaddish, p. 598
We praise God even in our grief.
Adon Olam, p. 625
God is always with us.
[2] See Zalman Schechter, The First Step.
[3] See Zalman Schechter, The First Step.